Good Eats for Everyone

Good Eats for Everyone

Urban Chicken Farm Chickens are on a strict diet, for their health, and ours! I believe that we are what we eat, and thus we are, in part, what the chickens eat(because they feed us). Since we are what we eat, we should nurture and love our food while we raise/grow/harvest it, and only feed our food sources with things that are ultimately good for them, and us (this goes for the garden, too – no pesticides or chemicals, EVER!).

Organic, Non-GMO, whole grain Feeds, from Day 1. I truly believe in this! I have many years experience using whole grain feed, and could not be happier! (my chickens love it even more than I do!)

Awesome facts about The Feeds we use include(but are not limited to):
– All Organic
– Non-GMO
– Whole Grain
– Soy FREE, and Corn free (I use a small amount of organic, non GMO corn, in winter months, only)

All Urban Chicken Farm Chickens have been raised on the best feed available. I’m so grateful to have access to such a pristine feed. It really is, the best!

I am always looking to improve processes and make things better for my chickens, wherever possible, so the feeding routines have changed over time…

The Morning Feeding Routine, could begin before daybreak each day:
1.Prepare the current days food for the chickens in various dishes, placed strategically around the backyard to make sure that everyone has a place for breakfast when coops open
2. Start a batch of fermented feed for the NEXT day(fermenting for just 24 hours)
3. Prepare fresh water buckets and place strategically around yard for ease of access to clean water, for all chickens.

Once everyone has satisfied their initial hunger and thirst, they start to forage around the yard and they consume bugs from the yard, grass, other plant things they like to eat.

In the Evenings near coop close time, about an hour before sunset, I sprinkle some treats: 3-grain scratch and/or grubs on the ground outside the barn, this brings all the chickens close to their place of rest before the sun sets. Its quite entertaining to watch them all run over excitedly and then scratch around to find their treats before they coop-up at sundown.

Extra things the flock needs: Free choice access to Grit(crushed granite), and Oyster Shell for calcium for the layers. I feed my entire flock ‘grower’ feed most of the time because I have roosters, and I have learned that layer feed contains calcium that the roosters do not need and over time it can harm them, so I instead offer oyster shell free choice and the ladies help themselves. I have never had an issue with egg shells.

I did mention it above, but I think it deserves its own special mention, and its a simple thing… WATER.
I believe it is absolutely ESSENTIAL to have Clean, Fresh Water, Daily. Not every other day… Every. Single. Day. I am adamant about this, and I believe it is a big factor in good animal husbandry. Clean water helps to protect against preventable illness.

Chickens are simple! They actually need very little. Clean water, nutritionally balanced food, enough space, and a dry protected place to sleep. There are so many ways to keep chickens and have them be happy and healthy.

I go far above and beyond the simple calls of duty… (you guessed it, I have my reasons :)) Firstly, to optimize their health(proactively) …I will not use any antibiotics/medicine/vaccines, or chemicals. Secondly, I believe the extra efforts I take are evident in the quality and taste of the Eggs the hens produce for us to eat. Truly different, truly nutritional, and so delicious! The chickens at Urban Chicken Farm are raised the way my great grandmother(and her mother!) would have done it, fermenting whole grain feed, sprouting fodder …co-creating with Nature 🙂

Did I forget an important thing?
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… Please comment 🙂

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