Colored and Speckled Eggs!

Colored and Speckled Eggs!

These eggs shells are beautiful, and made that way from nature! This is something people may be unfamiliar with. The reason for the rainbow of egg colors is that certain breeds of chickens lay different colored eggs, its just that simple.

Too Pretty to Eat?

Some people gasp and tell me “these eggs are too pretty to eat”… I’ve heard that many many times… but here’s the thing: These Eggs TASTE AS GOOD AS THEY LOOK! Eat them, Please! They are delicious, I promise 😉 Don’t worry – cracked, empty shells are beautiful, too! (and have tons of uses- don’t put them in the garbage bag!)

“Pullet Eggs” from Easter Egger Pullet Hens

The Eggs you see above are little eggs because the hens had just started laying eggs(“Pullet Eggs”- a delicacy known by few). The eggs get bigger as the chicken grows, but all these colors come from my Easter Eggers! The reason for such fluctuation in color is that Easter Eggers are a mixed breed of chicken. Once a chicken lays a blue egg though, you can be sure she will lay a blue egg for life – the egg color will not change within each chicken.

If your interested in learning which Breeds lay which colors, I have found this article helpful.

If you are interested in Heritage Breed Chickens(I LOVE THEM!) go ahead and check out The Livestock Conservancy – Heritage Breed area of the site for more info.

Washed Eggs

Some people think the Blue/Green eggs TASTE better… I think there is a placebo effect going on there. What has been your experience with Colored/Speckled Eggs?