I love beekeeping. I love the bees, the honey, even the smell of the hive. Its enchanting, and I can spend a ton of time bee-ing with the bees without thinking of other things. Some call it therapeutic 😉
I am experienced doing some bee removals and love saving the colony! This is a fun way for me to turn my skills into some income for the farm. Spotting the queen is so much fun, a huge thrill 🙂 While Ill take on a wide variety of jobs, I’m not going to be the one cutting your roof open to get them, but if you need that service, I know a guy or two that would be happy to save your roof bees.
What about the stings? HA! All Beekeepers get stings. They aren’t pleasant, but they come with all the good that bees offer. As along as the allergic reaction isn’t life threatening, id say its worth it. I avoid stings as a fun game, but its impossible to not get stung from time to time.
More to come re: Bees… BUZZ BUZZ